Week 2
- Read the documentation provided by the Bashani API.
- Open Postman and create a new request collection dedicated to the Bashani API integration.
- Test API endpoints in Postman: With authentication set up, begin testing individual API endpoints using Postman.
- open an existing project integrate the Bashani API in angular Library.
- Implement the necessary code in the Angular to handle API responses received from the Bashani API.
Screenshots / Videos
Automation and Testing By Using Postman
send requests to API and receive responses
Options to select different Indian Languages
Translate writtent text in Hindi
Translate writtent text in Tamil
- I utilize the Bashani API instead of the Google API.
- Run the Bashani API in Postman, We gain a robust environment to interact with the API, validate its behavior, and streamline the development and testing process for my project.
- Call the api response through angular library.
- Note:- I share The github Repo in Upcoming Week
Read the API documentation to understand its capabilities, endpoints, authentication requirements, request/response formats, and any limitations or usage restrictions. Bashani API Documentation
Learn How to call API From Angular Learning Module